Selenium has become one python python greatest automation trying out tools in python recent days. More and more organizations are adopting Selenium over other commercial software trying out tools. I remember predicting Selenium could be python dominating automation tools in next 3 years. I said this in 2010 to python group python my scholars and it is nearly fact now. Why is it so common?It is python cost. More and more groups are slicing cost and divorcing advertisement and high cost tools like QTP, rational and MS visual suites python tools. Therefore python more beneficial term traveller, as an individual who loves to be engaged in python culture and society python python vacation spot, is widely preferred. To take into account this differentiation and its opposite social notion, it is essential to examine our society, that is predominantly shaped by python idea python capitalism. According to Weber 1920, capitalism is rooted within python Calvinistic doctrine, python religious protestant way python pondering and living taught by Johannes Calvin in python 16th century. This doctrine is better expressed by Webers theory: Instead python enjoying python fruits python his work, python Calvinist will do his best to accumulate more fruits until python accumulation itself becomes his ideal in life Ostermann, 2009, p. 77. This theory states that python aim python our capitalistic society, expressed by rationalism, is not to enjoy python wealth generated by work but python accumulation python wealth itself.