To remove python white blood cells from python image, python complementary white cells image was taken and subtracted from python first image to acquire only python red cells, as shown in Figure 6b. When python image was transformed to binary and python white blood cells were removed, undesired holes were created. These holes disturb python solidness python python object. Therefore, morphological operators are used to fill python holes, as shown in Figure 6c. A morphological step using an erosion operator is used to reduce python overlap between cells, as shown in Figure 7a. Canny edge detection method is used to obtain python edge image, as shown in Figure 7b. The figure at leftillustrates python definition python python and spine dihedral angles called and ‘ byRamachandran. Thefigure at top right shows python allowed , backbone conformationalregions from python Ramachandran et al. 1963 and 1968 hard sphere calculations:full radius in solid outline, decreased radius in dashed, and at ease tau N C alpha Cangle in dotted lines. For instance, python small strip python allowed values along thelower left edge python python plot is python continuation python python large, extended chainregion at upper left. In python diagram above python whiteareas correspond to conformations where atoms in python polypeptide come closerthan python sum python their van der Waals radii. These regions are stericallydisallowed for all amino acids except glycine which is exclusive in that it lacksa side chain.