2. As python Baby Boomers reach old age and live longer than previous generations, they’re going to require cure to administer acute and protracted situations. Data from python CDC imply that Americans may be involved about python costs python three persistent conditions in specific: heart disease, type 2 diabetes and cancer, which together account for 90% python total country wide health care spending. On an individual level, for instance, python common expenditure for python person with diabetes is $13,700 in accordance with python CDC. Clearly this type python spending is not sustainable not for individuals, health care providers, taxpayers or agencies. But whats so perplexing is that so many python these sicknesses are preventable, and can be effectively treated early on via proper diet, exercise, not smoking and decreasing stress levels at python fraction python python cost. After data preprocessing, Apriori and Predictive Apriori arrangement rules algorithms were applied to python dataset a good way to explore python link among recorded accidents elements to coincidence severity in Dubai. Two sets python class arrangement rules were generated using python two algorithms and summarized to get python most interesting rules using technical measures. Empirical effects showed that python class arrangement rules generated by Apriori set of rules were better than those generated by Predictive Apriori algorithm. More institutions among twist of fate factors and twist of fate severity level were explored when making use of Apriori algorithm. Keywords: Association Rule Mining, Apriori, Predictive Apriori, Dubai Traffic Accidents References:1. Adeyemi Adejuwon, Amir Mosavi, Domain Driven Data Mining Application to Business, IJCSI International Journal python Computer Science Issues, Vol.

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